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OSTF 01-07-13 Minutes
Open Space Task Force
January 7, 2013

Attendance – Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Herb Asplund, David Romejko, Roy Normen, Michael Gantick, Jeff Folger, Bart Pacekonis, Sue W. Larsen, Betty Warren, Carol Heffler

Guest – Keith Mangene

Pat Botteron, Chair, opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.


The minutes of 12/4/12 were accepted with the corrections for Carol’s name.

Public Participation

Mr.Keith Mangene came before the Committee.  He inherited 5 acres on Rt. 5 and would like to donate the acreage to the Town of South Windsor.  He had spoken to the neighbors but there is no interest in purchasing the land and there are no interests or opportunity for easements to the property.  The parcel is zoned Restricted Office.  Mr. Mangene was given a copy of the evaluation sheets so that he could review the criteria and see for himself how we would rate the property.  Roy Normen told Mr. Mangene the property was not on the master plan.  Herb Asplund wanted to make sure he understood the rating sheets.  Betty Warren added that was why we have a section on opinions.  The property walk is set for 1:00 p.m. on Friday the 11th.  We will meet at the Town Hall.  Mr. Mangene was told that he could not provide input during the Task Force’s deliberations but could provide information to the Town Council during the public hearing on the property.

New Business

Pat Botteron reported that the Ct Trails Day would be June 2nd.  She asked if the TF wanted to co-sponsor the event as we have done in the past.  The board discussed this and felt that we should not be the sponsors but would like to have a booth at the event.  Neiderwerfer Sanctuary was the site selected but the Conservation Commission should be the group to comment on the appropriateness of a field day at this location.

Old Business

Jeff Folger made a motion to support the concept of sharing town owned open space between Diary Queen and the Town of South Windsor as referenced in the license proposal.  The motion was seconded by Herb Asplund.  Jeff said the Town Attorney was sending the license agreement to Dairy Queen.  Herb wanted to know why Dairy Queen requested this.  Jeff said they wish to utilize the space for overflow parking during the times when the facility is at its most crowded. Bart said the plan did not specify the uses for the back part of the property.  DQ lost 4 to 6 parking spaces and a waiver has been given.  The town would not lose the curb cut, it would be closed in favor of the shared driveway with Dairy Queen, but could be used in the future. Louise wanted to know if there are plans to widen Sullivan Ave. in 2014.  Mike Gantick said no dates have been set to widen the roads.  Roy feels strongly that the town should not be involved with commercial properties.  There would be no town liability on the parking lot area.  Herb wanted to know if the well area was included in the license.  Jeff said yes, the well is on our property and was used for the water feature on the mini golf course. DQ will continue to maintain and do any repairs. The motion carried 7-2 with Norman and Heffler voting nay.

Old Business

King Street property has been approved for purchase.  There are several zoning issues to be worked out.

Michael Gantick presented a list of possible goals for the OSTF to review.  We will take this up again next meeting.  

A green light has been given to go to court over the open space violation on Cornerstone Drive.

Other Business

The next meeting will be February 4, 2013

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue W. Larsen